A gravel driveway can add charm and functionality to your property, providing a durable surface that can withstand heavy vehicles and inclement weather. Installing a new gravel driveway requires careful planning and execution to ensure long-lasting results. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you through the process:
Step 1: Layout and Marking
Begin by marking the area where you want the driveway to be located. Use stakes and string to outline the edges of the driveway.
Consider the slope of the land and the desired grade of the driveway. A slight slope away from structures is ideal for proper drainage.
Step 2: Excavation
Excavate the marked area to a depth of about 8 to 12 inches, depending on the desired thickness of the gravel layer.
Remove any existing vegetation, rocks, or debris from the area. Use a shovel, excavator, or skid steer loader for this task.

Step 3: Subgrade Preparation
Compact the soil using a plate compactor or a hand tamper to create a firm base for the driveway.
Ensure the subgrade is smooth and level, with a slight slope for drainage.
Step 4: Installing Geotextile Fabric
Lay geotextile fabric over the compacted subgrade to help prevent the gravel from sinking into the soil and to reduce weed growth.
Overlap the edges of the fabric by at least 12 inches and secure it in place with landscape staples.
Step 5: Adding Gravel
Start by adding a layer of large, angular gravel (such as 2-inch stone) to the excavated area. Spread it evenly using a skidsteer, rake and/or shovel.
Compact the first layer of gravel using a plate compactor or drum roller to create a solid base.

Step 6: Gradation Layers
Add additional layers of gravel, gradually decreasing in stone size from large to small. This helps create a stable, well-draining surface.
Compact each layer thoroughly before adding the next, ensuring the driveway is built up to the desired height.
Step 7: Final Grading
Use a rake or shovel to evenly distribute the final layer of gravel to achieve the desired grade and slope.
Compact the entire driveway once more to ensure a smooth, solid surface.
Step 8: Maintenance
Regular maintenance is key to keeping your gravel driveway in top condition. Periodically add more gravel to fill in low spots and repair any ruts or potholes.
Consider using a driveway grader or rake to smooth out the surface and improve drainage.
By following these steps, you can install a new gravel driveway that not only enhances the appearance of your property but also provides a durable and functional surface for years to come. HCE has created lots of gravel driveways for it's customers over the years. Give us a call and we can handle all the heavy lifting.
